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Key Tips To Consider As We Enter The "New" Normal

ERA Evergreen



May 14 5 minutes read

It has been months since the 2019 Coronavirus pandemic has started, and frankly, it has turned the world's health and economic state upside down. But as we go further down the line, more talks about reopening the country arise, and citizens are deemed to enter a "new" kind of normal in the coming days.

What does a "new" normal mean for us, exactly? While it's true that restaurants are starting to offer dining services for consumers again, and social restrictions are slowly being loosened up, the COVID-19 virus, which has taken the lives of millions around the globe, is yet to be contained--permanently. And it is our social responsibility to take extra precautions as we move around our city to ensure that we avoid a second (and more intense) outbreak. Here are some tips to consider when going out:

Plan Ahead

Making a detailed list of your errands or stuff to buy beforehand will make your trip outside of the house a lot more organized, and well, a lot quicker. Short trips mean lower chances of acquiring the virus or bringing it home for your more vulnerable family members to catch.

Mask Up

Surgical, cloth, or N-95-- no matter which kind of mask you choose to bring, wearing a mask is now essential in going out. By wearing one, you are showing how much you care for your health and the people around you, especially those who are more vulnerable to getting severely sick. We all need an extra layer of protection from COVID-19, and masks may help filter unwanted germs and viruses.

Bring Extra Clothes

Are you feeling a bit extra? Don't forget to bring a clean set of clothes to keep in your car! It's especially helpful if you're planning to dine out in a crowded place, or if you're due for a grocery run and have children or older people to go home to. In this way, you can change your dirty clothes before entering your home, and you don't have to worry about your family members catching any virus from the outside.

Always Bring Alcohols, Wipes, and Sanitizers

Aside from some extra pair of clothes, it's also important to bring alcohol, hand sanitizers, and wipes when going out. Water and soap won't always be accessible, especially when we're out and about, so these three hygiene "weapons" are important to make sure that your hands are ALWAYS clean and disinfected!

Avoid Crowded Places

We know, we know! We all missed going out, but it's still best to avoid crowded places for the time being. Being around crowds, especially in closed and confined spaces doubles our chances of getting COVID-19. So if you can, avoid the grocery shops during the busiest hours and choose the farthest table when dining in restaurants.

Observe a 2-meter Distance

Let's always be conscious of observing some distance when shopping and dining outside our homes. WHO recommends at least a 2-meter distance from other people to limit face-to-face contact and slow down the spread of the virus. The stricter we are in observing rules and recommendations, the earlier we can go back to the "OLD" normal.

Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands with soap has been a golden rule to follow since the pandemic started-- and we're not stopping now! Washing with water and soap has been proven to be more effective than isopropyl alcohol and sanitizers in removing germs from our hands. Clean hands lessen the spread of infections, as people are known to frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without realizing it.

Don't Bring Outside Shoes Inside Your Home

Let's always remember that germs are everywhere-- including your shoes. So if you want to keep your living area clean, it's important to leave your outside shoes by the front door. Stepping inside of your home with the same shoes you used outside may spread disease-causing germs and viruses inside your home, and disinfecting them is also ideal, especially amidst this COVID-19 pandemic.

Avoid Close Contact With Family Members 

Avoid hugging, kissing, and touching your loved ones after your trip outside and go straight to the bathroom for a quick shower instead. Put your dirty clothes (if you didn't bring an extra set) inside a clean plastic or have it washed immediately, as well.


If we haven't stressed this enough, make sure that you sanitize, sanitize, sanitize! Wipe your doorknobs with some disinfectant, and clean your floors if you must. Sanitize everything you've touched and stepped on after your quick trip outside. Always remember that it pays to be extra cautious, especially in this kind of situation. Let's all look out for each other-- let's keep clean, and hopefully, save lives!

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