Starting Over in a New Neighborhood– 9 Important Factors to Consider
Ah, yes. The art of moving into a new home. Although finding a new place to live is always deemed stressful and too much to handle, it’s a symbolic transition to a different and (hopefully) better way of living, especially if you relocate to a completely different state or area.
While some say that choosing your next neighborhood is most often a “hit or miss” situation, the reality is that it’s NOT. Of course, that’s IF you know what you should be looking for in a new community! So if you’re starting over in a new neighborhood, whether you’re alone or with a family in tow, here are nine important factors to consider.
Low or Less Noise
Most homeowners disregard noise when selecting a new area, especially if they only visit at certain times of day, such as early morning. Visit your new neighborhood at various times of the day to get a better idea of your future living conditions. While exploring your potential house, take time to listen intently--can you hear neighboring trains or honking automobiles on the street? If you can, consider whether you're willing to put up with those sounds on a daily basis.
Even if you don't have children (yet! ), it's critical to investigate the educational system of your future district. Who can say? It can come in helpful when you decide to start a family. Aside from that, outstanding school districts have a significant impact on real estate values, so it's always a plus!
Retail Necessities
What do you buy on a regular basis? Do you like to get your coffee before going to work every morning? Do you prefer to acquire needs like milk and veggies from a neighboring store twice or three times a week? Be conscious of your retail requirements and investigate what your new neighborhood has to offer.
Security and Comfort
Every homeowner should feel safe walking around their area. Examine the crime statistics in the area to get a sense of your new neighborhood. A happy homeowner is a safe and secure one, so make this tip a priority.
Emergency Services
How far away is your house from a hospital or a fire station? It's a good idea to be aware of these things before an emergency or necessity arises. Consider this before migrating because the nearest hospital or police station in certain suburbs can be quite far away.
Is your neighborhood hospitable to pedestrians, or do you have to dodge automobiles and get blocked by highways every ten steps? The walkability of a community has been linked to higher home values. So, if you enjoy wandering around your neighborhood in comfort, this should be one of your considerations.
Easy Transport
Pay close attention to traffic conditions in your neighborhood, especially during rush hour. Determine how long it would take you to get to work on a normal day. Public transit is also an important issue to consider. Remember that the longer someone has to commute, the less satisfied they are.
If you enjoy spending time at parks, farmers' markets, community centers, theaters, or coffee shops after work or while you're not at home, it's just another factor to consider when deciding where to live. These are places where you may not only go out of the home and entertain yourself, but they are also fantastic places to meet new people in the neighborhood if you want to spread out.
Conducive to Daily Exercise
Most people are irritated when they have to drive for at least 15 minutes to get to their regular workout. If you're the same way, look for a neighborhood with a conducive place for a run or a bike ride--or a gym a block away. Even if the gym isn't your thing, discover if there are any tennis or basketball courts nearby where you can play a fast game.