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How To Safely Hold A Summer Garage Sale During The COVID-19 Pandemic

ERA Evergreen



Jul 9 5 minutes read

Garage, yard, and stoop sales are almost an unofficial tradition during summertime. It usually kicks-off during Memorial Day weekend and goes on 'til the fall season peeps in. Aside from earning some extra cash for your unwanted stuff (that are still fit to use!), organizing a garage sale also helps you make room for things that you love, plus it saves you time on cleaning up annoying clutter around the house EVERY SINGLE DAY.

But how does one host a yard sale amidst the pandemic? In this age of social distancing, you might think it's almost close to IMPOSSIBLE to hold a garage sale that people will go to, with everyone fearing the thought of becoming infected with COVID-19. But, with the proper guidelines and some simple tips, you might just be able to organize a SAFE summer garage sale this year-- here are our top recommendations:

Sort and Organize Your Items

When preparing your for-sale items, always make sure that you sort everything by their designated categories (e.g., kitchenware, clothes, baby toys). Organizing by category will keep your attendees from walking back and forth around the area and minimize contact with other customers. It will also help you keep track of your items more effectively, too!

Set Some Rules and Guidelines Beforehand

If you're planning on setting up a neighborhood garage sale, it may be best to set some rules and guidelines a few days before the actual date. Remind them to bring their masks, alcohols, gloves, etc., to the yard sale via email, or post it on the venue where everyone can see (preferably at the entrance, which is helpful for passers-by).

Choose An Open Space For Your Yard Sale

Choose an open space to hold your yard sale and avoid enclosed areas like your actual garage. If you don't have enough space outside your house to accommodate a group of people, seek permission to use the neighborhood park or any open area around the community.

Establish A Crowd Control System

No man is an island, as they say, and this holds true, even in organizing a yard sale! Ask your partner or a few close friends to help out, and put designated persons at each table to keep an eye on the attendees ( and to make sure their practicing social distancing!) Do a headcount to avoid overcrowding. A good crowd control system at your garage sale will keep everything light and easy, and most of all, a LOT more organized.

Proper Distancing of Tables and Chairs

As a part of the current coronavirus protocol, make sure that your tables and chairs are at least six feet apart, to practice social distancing, and create more space for your attendees. You can also consider displaying your items on the tables instead of putting them in boxes so that customers will be able to see your stuff better and keep them from rummaging through the whole lot.

Alcohols and Sanitizers

Place alcohol and sanitizers strategically around the whole venue. It will help remind your customers to spray some disinfectant before touching any item.

Prepare An Attendees List

Have an attendance list on hand and ask your customers to log their names and contact numbers (just like in open houses) before entering the premises. By doing so, you'll have something to refer to for contact-tracing, in case anyone gets infected during your garage sale (we sincerely hope not!).

Have Some Extra Masks On-Hand

Everyone loves going to yard sales, and we can't avoid passers-by from coming in and checking out the goods. Keep extra masks on-hand to give out to people who do not have any and keep other customers (and yourself!) safe from droplets and viruses.

Disinfect Your Items Throughout The Day

Don't forget to wipe, wipe, wipe! If you're planning on keeping your yard sale open for a few hours, make sure to have a cloth and some disinfectant spray on hand. You'll need to wipe and disinfect your items throughout the day, for lesser chances of catching the COVID-19 virus and sanitary purposes, too!

Contactless Payments

Money is truly one of the dirtiest things out there, and it's ideal to have payment transactions as contactless as possible. Use payment applications if available and only take an exact change for cash transactions to limit the back and forth interactions. Also, customers and organizers should wash hands or sanitize after handling any sort of payment method to be safe.

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